
Every student matters to God... The Student Ministries of Emmanuel Church are committed to creating a place where 7th-12th graders can grow, build community, and encounter God in a very real way.

Grades 7-8

Middle School

Middle Schoolers face constant changes in every area of their lives. Created specifically for 7th and 8th grade students, the Emmanuel Church Middle School environment provides fun experiences, high-energy worship and teaching, and interactive small group connections to help students navigate these challenges. Check out the schedule for each location below.

First time here?  Stop by the Info Desk for help checking-in.

Can't wait to see you - bring a friend!

Grades 9-12

High School

The High School ministries of Emmanuel Church are sold out to graduating students into a lifetime of following Jesus. We have lots of fun, but spiritual formation and family are our top priorities! The love and support of the High School leaders and other students exemplifies Jesus' love for each one, and takes community to the next level. This is how God opens up hearts for friendships that will often last a lifetime. Check out the schedule for each location below.

First time here? Stop by the Info Desk for help checking-in.

Can't wait to see you - bring a friend!

Small Groups

Strong connections. Honest conversations. Groups are 10-14 students meeting weekly with adult leaders, diving deeply into God's Word, and establishing real relationships - with Jesus and with one another.

Small groups are the engine that drives spiritual formation. Students develop authentic, influential and healthy bonds with their peers and adult leaders, asking honest questions and building faith in the One who has the answers!

Student & Children's Counseling

Sometimes students are dealing with deep and more difficult issues which can be handled best with the help of a professional counselor. Click the button below to learn more and schedule an appointment.