Please list all children below (Name, Age, Gender, Living with you? Yes or No) is required.
Please describe the reason you are seeking counseling is required.
It is our desire to offer appointments that are convenient for you. Please indicate which day and time you would prefer.
In some instances it is possible to utilize a Zoom call for those who cannot attend in person. Ask your counselor about this option.
I/We affirm the accuracy of the personal information provided herein, have read the information and agree to the conditions set forth. I/We hereby agree to the following conditions:
- I/We understand that Emmanuel may have lay people training, and therefore, agree to have a trainee(s) in the counseling session with me (us).
- I/We agree to hold the Counselor harmless from any advice, counsel or suggestions rendered during our counseling sessions. I recognize that their role is to assist me/us in hearing and understanding God’s will in the matters discussed. I/We will not, therefore, sue or engage in any type of litigation negatively affecting them.
Having clearly stated the principles and policies of our counseling ministry, we welcome the opportunity to minister to you in the name of Christ and to be used by Him as He helps you to grow in spiritual maturity and prepares you for usefulness in His body. If you have questions about these guidelines, please talk with your counselor. If these guidelines are acceptable to you, please sign and date below.
The Counseling Center responds via email Monday-Thursday within 24-48 hours of receiving a counseling request. If you do not see a response in your inbox in that time frame, please check your spam/junk folder.