"For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you."
-John 13:15
Emmanuel seeks to provide practical and meaningful ways to serve in our church, in our community, and around the world. In the Bible, Jesus modeled this by grabbing a towel and washing the feet of his disciples. We invite you to consider how you can best "Grab a Towel" at our church, in our community, and around the world.
Our Church
At Emmanuel, we believe we are saved to serve others. We both depend on and greatly appreciate our volunteers. Whether it's serving coffee on our host team or rocking babies in the nursery, we have a wide variety of opportunities for you to use your gifts, talents, and abilities to make an impact in our church.
Our Community
We partner with many local organizations who are helping to meet the practical and spiritual needs of our community. We seek to help them with our time, gifts, and talents.
Our World
Each year, Emmanuel sends teams to Nicaragua, Colombia, Haiti and Rwanda. Each area serves as an opportunity for a team to help with needed projects; but most importantly, to share the love of Christ.